
Jornadas Internacionais

as questoes em toro das libertacoes de organismos geneticamente modificados
as posicoes das forcas socias europeias que criaram o debate

14-15 April 2000, Oporto
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa



Benny Haerlin (Greenpeace International, Germany): The history of Monsanto

Hartmut Meyer (NGO Forum Environment & Development, Germany): GMOs and their effect on the human health
 Precise Precaution vs. Sloppy Science
The Precautionary Principle Factsheet

Robin Jenkins (L'Association Concentropique, France): Agriculture in a biotechnological future
 Agricultural Biotechnology: A case study of Bt crops

Huib de Vriend (Foundation Consumer & Biotechnology, The Netherlands): The aspects for an European consumer
 The social aspects of food biotechnology: A European view

Florianne Koechlin (Blueridge Institute, Switzerland): Patents in Europe and worldwide
 Patents on life:Contol over the foundations of food worldwide

Anna-Rosa Prat (GRAIN, Spain): Intellectual property rights in the WTO
 For a full review of TRIPs 27.3(b)

Steve Emmott (Green Group/EFA European Parliament, Belgium): European GMO legislation: Help or hindrance?

Beatrix Tappeser (Institute for Applied Ecology, Germany): Biosafety: and now?
 Genetic engineering and the production of food stuffs: Biosafety aspects
Biotechnology, food, agriculture: Public policy and consumer concerns

The public day was organized and supported by the "Grupo de Ambiente" of the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia/Universidade Catolica Portuguesa and Quercus.