
Jornada Internacional

cultivos y alimentos transgenicos:
una evaluacion critica

26 October 26 1999, Madrid
Salon de Actos de la USMR-CC.OO.



Joaquin Nieto (CC.OO.,Spain): Opening

Florianne Koechlin (No Patents on Life, Switzerland): Introduction

Helen Groome (EHNE/Coordination Paysanne Europeenne, Spain) & Robin Jenkins (Genetics Forum, UK): Genetic Engineering in Plant and Animal Breeding

Benny Haerlin (Greenpeace International, Germany): Ecological Impacts of Genetechnology

Hartmut Meyer (NGO Forum Environment & Development, Germany): Transgenic Food and Human Health


Roundtable: Risks of Transgenic Plants and Food

Pilar Galindo (Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultures y Ganaderos, Spain): Facilitator

Robin Jenkins (Genetics Forum, UK): Introduction

Helen Groome (EHNE/Coordination Paysanne Europeenne, Spain): Problems of GE Plants from the Farmers' View

Hartmut Meyer (NGO Forum Environment & Development, Germany) & Conchy Martin Rey (Confederacion de Consumidores y Usarios, Spain): Risks of Transgenic Food for the Consumer

Gerardo Iglesias (Regional Latinoamericana de la Union Internacional de Trabajadores de la Alimentacion, Argentina): Ecological Risks of Transgenic Plants

Gregorio Alvaro (Ecologistas en Accion, Spain): The Situation in Spain



The public day was organized and supported by ACSUR, c.e.c.u., COAG, Ecologistas en Accion, Fundacion 1 de Mayo, Greenpeace, Plataforma Rural (all Madrid).

The conference committee prepared a compilation of Spanish background documents, a paper copy of the 93-page volume can be posted to you on request ( table of content).