


GENET is a European network of non-governmental non-profit organisations engaged in the critical debate of genetic engineering, founded in 1995. GENET's mission  is to provide information on genetic engineering to its member organisations and the interested public and to support their activities and campaigns. At the moment, GENET has 51 member organisations in 27 European countries. GENET is an international non-profit association under Swiss law.

The purpose of GENET is to exchange information on genetic engineering and campaigns focussing on:

  • plant and animal breeding
  • human health
  • agriculture
  • animal welfare
  • food production


and its implications on

  • biological diversity
  • human genetics and medicine
  • the environment
  • the socioeconomic development


By informing interested organisations and individuals GENET facilitates the citizens' involvement in decision-making processes which have to guide the development of this technology.